In All Things Love

Mission Statement

At St Joseph's we value our diverse faith filled community by:

  • creating meaningful relationships with students, families and the wider community and communicating and sharing our school experiences
  • being a Catholic school in which we celebrate, model and teach Catholic traditions and practices embedded within the Josephite Charism
  • acknowledging, accepting and respecting our multiculturalism; our similarities and differences
  • providing an invitation to faith through experiences

At St Joseph's we provide an enriching, educational environment by:

  • having Jesus at the core of what we do as a Catholic school
  • providing engaging, relevant and purposeful learning
  • developing pedagogies that inform and influence the physical learning environment and cater for individual student needs
  • working in partnership with students, parents, the parish and the wider community
  • providing welcoming, safe and trusting learning spaces that celebrate and foster relationships and focus on student wellbeing
  • ensuring that our staff are lifelong learners

At St Joseph's we nurture and celebrate lifelong learners by:

  • fostering a love of learning
  • valuing the whole child
  • celebrating student achievements
  • being models of lifelong learning and good values
  • ensuring  learning is relevant and authentic to the children and community of St Joseph's
  • supporting students in developing lifelong social skills and skills in independence and responsibility
  • providing scaffolding for success, encouraging student voice and challenging students to be the best they can be


Book a tour

The best way to see how our school could suit your family is to come along and talk to us.