Issue 10, 3rd July, 2024

St Joseph’s School
In All Things Love
10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway S A 5013
Telephone: (08) 8415 1100
Uniform Shop
Open on Monday and Fridays
8.30 am to 9.30 am
Friday - 10.00 am to 11.30 am
Out of School Hours Care
Daily Except Tuesday
7.30 am to 8.30 am
and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
Bookings essential
Mobile: 0437 863 067
St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Priest - Fr Marek Ptak CR
Phone: (08) 8447 3223
Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm Sunday 8.30 am English & 10.30 am Polish
Weekday 6.30 pm English & Polish Except Tuesday (check with Parish)
We acknowledge that our school is on Kaurna country. We recognise and respect the Kaurna people as the continuing custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay our respect to Elders past and present.

The end of Term 2 marks the half-way point in the school year with Semester One School Reports sent home on Wednesday July 3. This is an opportunity for parents and children to discuss achievements during the first half of the year and set goals for the remainder of the year. The upcoming school holidays is an ideal time to do this.
Catholic Identity
Over the past 3 weeks I have had the pleasure of being a part of our junior primary, middle primary and upper primary liturgies. Our school liturgies provide an opportunity for children to experience contemporary liturgical celebrations with a focus directly related to classroom learning experiences. This is in line with our School Strategic Improvement Plan.
Curriculum News
I have included two mathematical tasks which you might like to have a go at with your child/children.
This week’s Mathematical tasks:
Reception to Year 3
I am thinking of a number between 10 and 100 with a single 5 in it. What might my number be?
What numbers can you make using 2, 4 and 8?
Years 4-6
How many numbers can you make using the digits 3, 5, 6 and 9? You can only use each digit once in each number.
Two numbers multiply to give 45000. What might the two numbers be?
Happy inquiry.
Children develop their reading skills, knowledge and understanding by reading regularly. Below are some strategies you might like to try at home to support your children’s learning:
- Encourage and model reading in the home
- Listen to your child read their reading material and ask specific questions related to what they have read
- Read with your child
- Share what you are reading with your child
- Read your child a bedtime story
- Read to your child in your family’s first language
- Talk to your child about the different situations you find yourself in whereby you are required to read texts.
Happy reading.
Teaching & Learning
On Wednesday July 3 you should have received your child’s Semester One school report. This report captures the entire learning achieved by your child during their first semester of school this year.
Each of our children received a grade for ‘Achievement’ and for ‘Effort’. One of the areas I take particular note of is a child’s ‘Effort’. This grade is provided for each subject area and compliments the ‘Achievement' grade, informing you about how your child has applied themselves and given effort in their learning. Two of our Keys to Success; ‘Persistence and Resilience’ highlight the importance of trying your best, regardless of your knowledge or interest level in a particular subject area.
I’d like to thank our teachers for their efforts with writing these reports and encourage you to celebrate your child’s achievements and talk to them about the importance of setting personal learning goals for the remainder of the year.
School Start Time 8:45am
I encourage you, if possible, to ensure your child/children are at school by 8:45am each day. This will ensure that your child is present during key explicit teaching moments at the beginning of Literacy and Numeracy Blocks. This will ensure your child is well informed and ready to be a successful learner.
Term 3 Preschool and Reception Intake
St. Joseph’s School will once again have a Pre-school and Reception intake at the start of Term 3 this year. Our Term 3 new Pre-school children will replace those moving into Reception as part of our Term 3 Reception intake. A new class will be created for our Term 3 new Receptions which will be located next to the current Junior Primary unit. The criteria for starting Pre-school or Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that a child will have turned 4 (Pre-school) or 5 (Reception) between 1 May and 31 October in that year. During Term 2 we will hold three transition visit mornings for our new Pre-school and Reception children with the aim of supporting their new start.
School Climate Surveys
This year through Catholic Education South Australia we are continuing our partnership with Professor Jill Aldridge from Curtin University who is supporting Catholic schools in Developing Leadership Capacity in School Improvement through surveying the school community.The School Improvement focus involves collecting and analysing data from the school community (students, parents, and staff) to identify plans for future actions. Surveys will take place in Term 3 with further details provided early next term. This year we will once again be using the Living Learning Leading surveys.
How Much Exercise do Children and Young People Need?
The Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines outline the following recommendations for children and young people:
- Infants (birth to one year): 30 minutes of supervised interactive floor-based play including tummy time, reaching and grasping, pushing and pulling and crawling.
- Toddlers (1-2 years): at least 180 minutes a day, including energetic play such as running and jumping.
- Pre-schoolers (3-5 years): at least 180 minutes a day of which 60 minutes is energetic play such as running, jumping and kicking and throwing.
- Children (5-12 years) and young people (13-17 years): at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.
The percentage of children meeting current guidelines is:
- 61% of two to five-year-olds
- 26% of five to 12-year-olds
- 7.9% of 13 to 17-year-olds.
To learn more about how you can support the Social and Emotional Learning and Wellbeing of your child visit Be You
Kiss and Drop Zone Speed Limit 10km per Hour.
A reminder that the school Kiss and Drop Zone along Rosewater Terrace has a speed limit of 10km per hour. Please ensure you observe the speed limit when using the Kiss and Drop Zone as this is an area where children are entering and exiting the school in large numbers.
A reminder also that the school Kiss and Drop Zone is not a place to park your car if you need to enter the school grounds as this holds up all incoming and outgoing traffic. It also leads to children exiting their cars on Rosewater Terrace and having to manoeuvre between traffic, raising further safety concerns. If you need to come into the school grounds, parking is available along Rosewater Terrace and on Ina Avenue.
Thank you in anticipation of your support with these important safety matter.
Diary Dates
Term 2 Concludes - 3:00pm Thursday July 4.
Term 3 Commences - 8:45am Monday July 22.
Audiri App
To keep up to date with what is happening within our school along with upcoming school events why not download the AudiriApp from the App Store on your mobile phone. Once downloaded simply search St Joseph’s School, Ottoway and add to your Audiri page. Many of our families currently use the Audiri App to keep up to date with what is happening across our school.
I hope you have a positive end to the school term and enjoy the upcoming break.
Working in partnership with you.
Shaun O’Leary.
2025 Sacrament Program
Every second year at St Joseph’s School, students are invited to be a part of the St Maximillian Kolbe Parish Sacramental program.
We are preparing to begin the 2025 Sacrament Program group in collaboration with parents and the parish. Catholic children from Year 3 to Year 6 can nominate to be prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Baptism is a prerequisite.
Can you please indicate on the form below your choices and return it to the office or email me at
We have no dates available for these celebrations, but families will be advised of these as they come to hand from the parish. If you are interested or would like to find out more about the Sacramental program, please fill in the slip below and return to the front office.
Kind regards,
Simon McCullough
I would like for my child to join in the 2025 Sacramental program.
My child is already baptised: Yes No
I would like to enrol my child in preparation for Reconciliation
I would like to enrol my child in preparation for First Eucharist
I would like to enrol my child in preparation for Confirmation
Child’s Name......................................... Class:...........................
Parent’s Name........................................ Signature:........................
Halal Hotdogs
We would like to inform you that Halal hotdogs are now available on Tuesdays.
Dear Parents and Caregivers.
Welcome to Week 10, Term 2, 2024 in OSHC.
Children are in a safe supervised environment; learning happens while children play, have fun, and make new friends.
Please feel welcome to visit.
Morning care in OSHC is available, 6.30-8.30am.
Afterschool care in OSHC is available 3.00-6.00pm, 2.45-6.00pm Tuesday.
Please remember to make a booking when you need OSHC.
All bookings can be made by ringing or messaging the OSHC mobile on 0437 863 067.
If there is no answer leave a message on the service. I will call or message you back.
Making a booking helps us keep the child/educator ratio in line with legislation.
24 hours’ notice is necessary when cancelling a booking or charges will occur.
All parents using OSHC will need to check their myGov app to check for messages.
When you attend OSHC casually.
Please remember check your myGov app and Centrelink for messages.
When parents use OSHC casually you won’t automatically receive CCS (Childcare Subsidy).
Follow the prompts-confirming that you used the OSHC service.
Centrelink is just confirming that you are using the service.
Parents/caregivers are welcome to read the OSHC Policies, feel welcome to ask and I will make copies available for your perusal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
OSHC Director

14th - Book Week Performance "Maybe a Miracle"
Book Week is Week 5. Theme "Reading is Magic"
20th - STEM Open Day
11:20am - 1:30pm
26th - Staff Reflection Day
Pupil Free Day