10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway S A 5013
Telephone: (08) 8415 1100
Email: info@stjotto.catholic.edu.au
Website: www.stjotto.catholic.edu.au

Issue 3, 6th March, 2024
St Joseph’s School
In All Things Love
Uniform Shop
Open on Monday and Fridays
8.30 am to 9.30 am
Friday - 10.00 am to 11.30 am
Out of School Hours Care
Daily Except Tuesday
7.30 am to 8.30 am
and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
Bookings essential
Mobile: 0437 863 067
St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Priest - Fr Marek Ptak CR
Phone: (08) 8447 3223
Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm Sunday 8.30 am English & 10.30 am Polish
Weekday 6.30 pm English & Polish Except Tuesday (check with Parish)
We acknowledge that our school is on Kaurna country. We recognise and respect the Kaurna people as the continuing custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay our respect to Elders past and present.

Congratulations to our senior students who have been elected School Leaders and House Leaders. The St Joseph’s Ottoway school community congratulates you on this achievement and looks forward to your leadership throughout 2024.
As I have been moving around the school each day it has been very pleasing to see that children have settled well into the new school year. In classrooms children are busy engaged in the learning opportunities presented to them, enjoying each other’s company, and learning together.
Parent Information Evening & School Board AGM- Monday February 12.
It was encouraging to see the large number of families attend our Parent Information Evening and School Board AGM on Monday February 12. The evening provided an opportunity for parents to gain an insight into their children’s classroom learning environment and routines along with hear about ways they can support their children’s learning at home. In addition, those who attended the School Board AGM were able to gain an insight into our school achievements for 2023 along with how the school is tracking in terms of strategic planning and finance. The partnership between home and school is a vitally important one as there is concrete evidence which states that high parent engagement supports children in their academic and social development. Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us on this evening. Thank you also to all our teachers for their efforts in preparing for and facilitating the evening.
Finally, a reminder that Parent/Teacher interviews will take place during Week 9 of this term. More information will be forwarded to you closer to the time.
Whole School Adelaide Aquatics Centre Excursion Thursday February 8
Our whole school excursion to the Adelaide Aquatics Centre on Thursday February 8 proved to be a great success. The day provided an opportunity for the whole school community to spend time together having fun and getting to know each other. Across the first 3 weeks of each school year teachers spend a lot of time developing relationships with their children and allowing their children to develop relationships with each other. This strategy forms the basis for a successful school year. Our whole school excursion in Week 2 of Term 1 each year compliments this strategy very well.
Upcoming Events
I would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming events:
Pupil Free Day - Monday March 18.
Our staff will be involved in professional learning in the areas of Student Agency, Literacy and Numeracy. APRIM Simon McCullough and I will facilitate the day where staff will be involved in further developing their teaching pedagogy in these important learning areas. OSHC will be available for families who require the service on this day. Bookings are essential so please see Mieke if you need to make a booking.
St. Joseph’s Feast Day Liturgy - Tuesday March 19.
As a whole school we will celebrate the feast day of St Joseph on Tuesday March 19. The St Joseph House Team will lead our whole school liturgy which will be followed by several fun activities. Parents are very welcome to join our celebration. Further details about the day will be forwarded to you closer to the time.
Sports Day - Thursday April 11.
Sport Day this year will once again be held at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. Further details along with a permission form was sent home to families last week.
Catholic Identity
In the past I have used the following piece of scripture from the book of Jeremiah with staff:
The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord; Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words. So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me: Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as the potter has done? Says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. (Jeremiah 18: 1-6)
This piece of scripture reminds us of how impressionable children can be and the impact our attitudes, words and actions have on the development of children in our care. Our school motto of, In All Things Love calls us to ensure that words spoken, decisions made, and actions taken are out of love, compassion and respect for each individual child in our care.
Curriculum News
I have included two mathematical tasks which you might like to have a go at with your child/children.
This week’s Mathematical tasks:
Reception to Year 3
I am thinking of a number between 10 and 100 with a single 8 in it. What might my number be?
What numbers can you make using 3, 5 and 7?
Years 4-6
How many numbers can you make using the digits 2, 8, 6 and 7? You can only use each digit once in each number.
Two numbers multiply to give 24000. What might the two numbers be?
Happy inquiry.
Reading is another core learning area here at St Joseph’s School. Our staff use an agreed set of practices around children’s development of reading skills, knowledge and understanding. These practices shape our reading programs across the school.
Below are some strategies you might like to try at home to support your children’s learning:
- Encourage and model reading in the home
- Listen to your child read their reading material and ask specific questions related to what they have
- Read with your child
- Share what you are reading with your child
- Read your child a bedtime story
- Talk to your child about the different situations you find yourself in whereby you are required to read texts
Happy reading.
Teaching and Learning
Our whole school English and Mathematics blocks commenced this week. English and Mathematics Blocks are daily non-interrupted times where teaching and learning is focused on developing children’s understanding, knowledge, and skills in these vital areas of school life.
I have the pleasure of working with all classes across the school during one of their Mathematics Block lessons each week. Enhancing children’s learning outcomes through providing contemporary child centred and engaging learning opportunities is our focus as teachers. Being in relationship with our children and their families, working in partnership to support all learners across the school is an important part of what we do.
School Master Plan Update
We are still tracking for an end of Term 1 handover for our new Education and Administration Centre. The new ramp for our school hall entrance off Ina Avenue is nearing completion which will allow a return to entry to the school via Ina Avenue. The external cladding to the Ina Avenue facing end of the school hall will commence soon resulting in the two buildings matching and blending in together. Internal walls and ceilings have been installed. Next will be the installation of skirtings and cornices before flushing and painting commences.
What is Resilience?
Resilience refers to the ability to manage everyday stressors and challenges. Resilience enables people to shift back along the mental health continuum towards good mental health. A child or young person’s ability to be resilient can depend upon many things and can change depending upon their situation. Importantly, specific situations or events that one child or young person may find challenging, another may not.
A child or young person who is resilient might:
· be optimistic
· use positive self-talk for encouragement
· have a positive sense of self
· identify and express their feelings and thoughts
· not hide away from strong feelings
· have helpful, age-appropriate strategies to manage their emotions when upset
· rearrange their plans to work around an unexpected situation
· have a sense of agency or responsibility
· keep on trying if something doesn’t work out and use their judgment about when to stop
· hold a sense of purpose or hope for the future
· actively ask for help if they need it
· feel a sense of attachment to family, their learning community and to learning.
To learn more about how you can help build resilience in your children visit Be You (formerly Beyond Blue) https://beyou.edu.au/fact-sheets/development/brain-development
Safety Around Ina Avenue Pick Up/Drop Off Points
A friendly reminder to ensure that for safety reasons, you park outside of the yellow lines and not over driveways adjacent to the school crossings on Ina Avenue and Rosewater Terrace when picking up/dropping off children. Drivers are also reminded that the disabled parking spaces at the front of the school are reserved for those with a disability. Alternative parking before and after school (along with school access) is available along Rosewater Terrace. The local council has informed the school that they will be conducting random inspections to enforce parking regulations around our school. As a school community we are seeking your support in following the parking regulations in place outside of the school.
School Newsletter Translation Button on our School Website
Our school website has been recently upgraded giving users the ability to read the school newsletter in their first language. To access this new feature, visit our school website and:
· Click: news and events (towards the top of the homepage).
· Click: newsletter.
· Click: newsletter online.
· Click: select language (bottom right-hand corner).
· Scroll down to select your desired language.
Audiri App
To keep up to date with what is happening within our school along with upcoming school events why not download the AudiriApp from the App Store on your mobile phone. Once downloaded simply search St Joseph’s School, Ottoway and add to your Audiri page. Many of our families currently use the Audiri App to keep up to date with what is happening across our school.
May God continue to bless all our families throughout 2024.
Working in partnership with you.
Shaun O’Leary.
This year we are collecting Easter Eggs to donate to Vinnies for families in need. If you would like to donate some eggs, please leave them in the basket in the office. Thanks for your generosity and support.
St Joseph’s Feast 2024
To celebrate 70 years since the opening of the school, this year we will be holding a number of celebrations. The first event will take place on St Joseph’s Day. On Tuesday 19th March we will celebrate St Joseph’s Day with a Mass at 10am. All children will be offered a free donut for recess after Mass.
We will also be celebrating Harmony Day and children are invited to wear casual clothes and to donate a gold coin. All money raised will go to the work of Caritas Project Compassion
Parents and Friends and Volunteers
We would love to see you join us as a volunteer. There are a range of ways to be involved and we greatly appreciate opportunities to work with you and get to know your family. Volunteering requires that you complete a process of induction and also some online training in child protection called, ‘Responding to abuse and neglect.’ All people who work with children are required to do this training. If you would like to volunteer, you will need to complete the following:
- Speak with Tanya or Alissa about a Working with Children Check which the school will lodge on your behalf. There is also a personal information form to complete which includes your contact details and those we would contact in any emergency.
- Complete the required Child Protection training - Responding to abuse and neglect for volunteers. This will take an hour or two and it is done online. Follow the instructions below to locate this training. You will need to register for a PLINK number to access the training on the Department for Education website.
- Provide the school with a copy of your child protection training certificate. This will be accessible at the end of the training module - Responding to abuse and neglect for volunteers.
- Follow this link to register and get your plink number. This will allow you access to the training.
Then access the training through this website:
Thanks very much for considering becoming a volunteer, we respect and value your time very much. Please let me know if you have any questions. My email is smccullough@stjotto.catholic.edu.au
Please return to Simon McCullough
I,_______________________________________ would like to support the 2024 Parents and Friends events or volunteer in another way.
My child / children are in:__________________________________________(class)
I am best contacted on: ___________________________________ (phone / email)
You are very welcome to join with us at these Parish Masses and school liturgies:
- Community prayer each Friday in the school yard unless the weather stops us.
- St Joseph’s Mass 10am in St Maximilion Kolbe Church followed by a whole school celebration, Tuesday 19th March.
- Feast of the Annunciation Mass, 10am, Monday 8th April in St Maximilion Kolbe Church.
- Holy Week Liturgies 25/3 - 28/3. There will be more information on these later in the term.
Swimming excursion
Thanks for all the great support from parent volunteers on our swimming excursion last week. It is very much appreciated.
School Card Applications
School Card Applications for 2024 are still open.
To be eligible for Low Income Remissions you must apply and be approved for School Card.
Application forms for 2024 are available in the office or you can apply online.
2024 School Fees
Accounts for 2024 school fees was posted out recently. The account is for the fees for the full year.
Should you be experiencing difficulties with meeting your fee obligations please make a time to see Mr O’Leary or myself so that we can tailor a plan to your particular circumstances.
St Joseph’s School aims to meet the needs of all families and to this end we encourage you to meet with our Principal, or Finance Officer, to assist you where we can.
Kali Brown
08 8415 1102
A note for the diary, Battle of the Rock Bands, Nazareth Primary Campus, June 19th.
Welcome to Week 4, Term 1, 2024. I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome everyone again and to address some Canteen housekeeping issues.
Given the introduction of some fresh legislation in late 2023 I have had to make some necessary changes to the Canteen menu. This includes a separated Break 1 and Break 2 menu. You will notice that some things simply are now not available to order for Break 1. I hope everyone understands that this is being done to ensure that the law is being properly adhered to and we are taking the best care of our students. I ask that everyone carefully reads the new menu before ordering a lunch order.
I note that towards the end of last year I received a few orders where ice blocks or ice creams had been ordered. Please remember that ice blocks are not to be ordered in a lunch order, and instead are available for purchase from the Canteen in Break 2.
The Canteen at St Joseph’s Ottoway utilises the QKR! Online ordering platform. I encourage everyone to use the app as it makes ordering a lunch order very easy and accepts card payment. I note the Canteen can otherwise not accept card payments. If you have used the QKR! App previously please ensure you have updated which class your child is in for 2024.
Dear Parents and Caregivers.
Welcome to Week 4,Term 1, 2024 in OSHC.
Children are in a safe supervised environment; learning happens while children play, have fun, and make new friends.
Please feel welcome to visit.
Morning care in OSHC is available, 6.30-8.30am.
Afterschool care in OSHC is available 3.00-6.00pm, 2.45-6.00pm Tuesday.
Please remember to make a booking when you need OSHC.
All bookings can be made by ringing or messaging the OSHC mobile on 0437 863 067.
If there is no answer leave a message on the service. I will call or message you back.
Making a booking helps us keep the child/educator ratio in line with legislation.
24 hours’ notice is necessary when cancelling a booking or charges will occur.
All parents using OSHC will need to check their myGov app to check for messages.
When you attend OSHC casually.
Please remember check your myGov app and Centrelink for messages.
When parents use OSHC casually you won’t automatically receive CCS (Childcare Subsidy).
Follow the prompts-confirming that you used the OSHC service.
Centrelink is just confirming that you are using the service.
Parents/caregivers are welcome to read the OSHC Policies, feel welcome to ask and I will make copies available for your perusal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
OSHC Director

Aquatics Excursion
Whole school
6:15pm - 6:45pm
Parent Information Evening
Preschool, R/1H & R/1L
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Parent Information Evening
1/2D, 2/3C, 3/4H, 4/5P, 5/6S
6.45pm - 7:30pm
School Board Meeting
Pupil Free Day
OSHC available contact Mieke
St. Joseph's Feast Day Liturgy
Parent Teacher Conversations
School Board Meeting
Good Friday
Public Holiday
Easter Monday
Public Holiday
Sports Day
Port Adelaide Athletics Club
School directed non-teaching day
OSHC available contact Mieke
School Board Meeting