Issue 4, 20th March, 2024

St Joseph’s School
In All Things Love
10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway S A 5013
Telephone: (08) 8415 1100
Uniform Shop
Open on Monday and Fridays
8.30 am to 9.30 am
Friday - 10.00 am to 11.30 am
Out of School Hours Care
Daily Except Tuesday
7.30 am to 8.30 am
and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
Bookings essential
Mobile: 0437 863 067
St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Priest - Fr Marek Ptak CR
Phone: (08) 8447 3223
Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm Sunday 8.30 am English & 10.30 am Polish
Weekday 6.30 pm English & Polish Except Tuesday (check with Parish)
We acknowledge that our school is on Kaurna country. We recognise and respect the Kaurna people as the continuing custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay our respect to Elders past and present.
What can we learn from self-portraits?
Self-portraiture is the most self-examining of art forms. By creating a self-portrait, children learn who they are, how they want to present themselves and what’s important.
We looked at our portrait and then we looked at Symmetry and cut our portrait in half and drew the other half. All the students enjoyed this art activity learning more about themselves.

Catholic Identity
The season of Lent lasts for forty days and is a reflective time of fasting, prayer, and penance in the lead up to Easter. The official liturgical colour for the season of Lent is violet. During Lent, our school has been participating in Project Compassion which is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal bringing thousands of Australians together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year the theme for Project Compassion is “For All Future Generations”. Classes have had the opportunity to share stories that reflect this year’s theme. These inspiring stories tell how the lives of people in need have changed through our schools’ support of Caritas Australia's development programs.
Curriculum News
I have included two mathematical tasks which you might like to have a go at with your child/children.
This week’s Mathematical tasks:
Reception to Year 3
How many different ways can you make 14?
Years 4-6
I am thinking of a number where the digits go even, odd, even, odd etc. When I add all the digits together, the total is 18. What could my number be?
Happy inquiry.
Children develop their reading skills, knowledge and understanding by reading regularly. Below are some strategies you might like to try at home to support your children’s learning:
- Encourage and model reading in the home
- Listen to your child read their reading material and ask specific questions related to what they have read
- Read with your child
- Share what you are reading with your child
- Read your child a bedtime story
- Talk to your child about the different situations you find yourself in whereby you are required to read texts.
Happy reading.
Middle Primary Teaching and Learning Updates
Year 2/3C - C Chong
The students in Year 2/3C have seamlessly acclimated to the new school term. The initial three weeks were dedicated to fostering positive relationships and cultivating a safe environment that emphasizes respect, care, and honesty. During this period, students organised their learning tools, including Surfaces and educational platforms. Literacy and Numeracy blocks commenced in Week 3, where students work in smaller learning groups based on their abilities and needs.
In the realm of Literacy, various assessments such as PAT tests, BURT tests, and WESTWOOD tests were administered to gauge students' comprehension levels. This information guided the grouping of students for literacy and numeracy activities. Vocabulary expansion has been a focus, with word storm exercises involving whole-class and small-group collaboration to generate words based on picture prompts. Each student maintains a personal "My Useful Words" Book, serving as a personal dictionary. Starting Week 4, students have been engaged in word works, spelling, grammar, and oral language skill development.
In the domain of numeracy, challenging tasks have been employed to captivate students' interests and informally assess their abilities. Grouping is based on personalities and preferences, fostering strong relationships and teamwork. Activities such as flash cards, timed worksheets, and interactive games aim to build number sense. Starting Week 4, the formal numeracy block commenced, focusing on learning number patterns, sequencing, skip counting, and time.
In terms of religion, during the Lenten period, students participated in Mass on Ash Wednesday at the church, fostering awareness of God and gaining insights into values and the significance of gratitude and sacrifice. The students found inspiration in religious stories and morning prayer songs, providing an uplifting start to the day. As a group, we anticipate an enriching learning journey ahead.
Year 3/4H - B Higgins
The 3/4H class has settled into their new classroom and completed 3 weeks of “Getting Along” activities. We enjoyed our day at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre and showed a great deal of maturity in moving around the centre. Some boys displayed excellent ‘real world maths’ skills as they compared prices at the kiosk and vending machines. A 50c saving on a bottle of drink was a great saving for Oscar, Romy, Bailey and Ashton.
Our more formal and structured lessons have begun, and the students are enjoying working with our co educators Miss April, Miss Ruby and Miss Cat. Mr O’Leary joined us from Week 4 for our numeracy lessons. The students find the assistance from our assistants most valuable.
I am grateful to the school leadership who chose to install glass doors between the 3/4 and 4/5 room. This has resulted in a much higher commitment to learning when the students from other classes are moving around.
School Master Plan Update
We are still tracking for an end of Term 1 handover for our new Education and Administration Centre. The new ramp for our school hall entrance off Ina Avenue is nearing completion which will allow a return to entry to the school via Ina Avenue. The external cladding to the Ina Avenue facing end of the school hall will commence soon resulting in the two buildings matching and blending in together. Internal flushing and painting is nearing completion.
NAPLAN Testing
NAPLAN Testing for our Year 3 and Year 5 children took place on Wednesday March 13, Thursday March 14 and Friday March 15. All NAPLAN testing was conducted online apart from the Year 3 Writing Test which was a paper test. NAPLAN is a nationally developed program that provides schools, states and territories with information about how education programs are working and what areas need to be prioritised for improvement. NAPLAN tests are administered simultaneously in all schools across Australia and the content of the tests are aligned to the Australian Curriculum; English and Mathematics. NAPLAN Tests are just one of many assessments conducted at our school. NAPLAN test results will be made available to the school and the families of participating children in Term 2.
School Start Time 8:45am
I encourage you, if possible, to ensure your child/children are at school by 8:45am each day. This will ensure that your child is present during key explicit teaching moments at the beginning of Literacy and Numeracy Blocks. This will ensure your child is well informed and ready to be a successful learner.
St. Joseph’s Feast Day Liturgy - Tuesday March 19.
As a school community we celebrated St Joseph’s Day with a whole school liturgy in the courtyard. The liturgy was prepared by the St Joseph House (yellow team) students and teachers. All children from the St Joseph House played an active role in the liturgy. Following the liturgy, children took part in a range of fun activities organised by their classroom teachers. Children were also be treated to a free donut on the day. Children were able to wear casual clothes to school on the day for a gold coin donation which will go to Caritas Australia to assist their work in supporting vulnerable communities around the world during the Church season of Lent.
Sports Day - Thursday April 11.
Sport Day this year will once again be held at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. Further details along with a permission form was sent home to families in Week 3.
Parent-Teacher Learning Conversations - Week Beginning Monday March 25
Parents have been invited to book a time with their child/children’s classroom teacher to discuss wellbeing, support currently in place and learning. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification and have input into the conversation. Please contact the front office if you haven’t received your invitation to book a conversation time online.
Term 3 Preschool and Reception Intake
St. Joseph’s School will once again have a Pre-school and Reception intake at the start of Term 3 this year. Our Term 3 new Pre-school children will replace those moving into Reception as part of our Term 3 Reception intake. A new class will be created for our Term 3 new Receptions which will be located next to the current Junior Primary unit. The criteria for starting Pre-school or Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that a child will have turned 4 (Pre-school) or 5 (Reception) between 1 May and 31 October in that year. During Term 2 we will hold three transition visit mornings for our new Pre-school and Reception children with the aim of supporting their new start.
How Our School Builds Resilience?
Schools are places where children and young people spend a great deal of their time. Learning communities play a key role in developing resilience through formal and informal learning opportunities. Resilience is key for developing positive mental health and wellbeing.
Caring and supportive relationships
Strong relationships within the family can help at times of stress or adversity. This support and security is a protective factor for children and young people’s mental health. Our school supports healthy relationships by:
- promoting family-centred practice and reaching out to families
- providing information to families on how they can support their child or young person develop resilience
- encouraging families to draw on the resources available in their community in times of need.
Research also indicates a positive relationship with at least one caring, competent adult outside of the child or young person’s immediate family is related to greater mental health and resilience. As educators, we develop connections with children in our learning community which are based on warmth, empathy, and respect.
Connection to diverse groups of friends is also valuable. Even very young children develop a sense of self and self-confidence through their peer relationships. At St Joseph’s we encourage healthy relationships by:
- promoting a welcoming, friendly and safe environment
- promoting inclusion, and address bullying, sexism and racism
- role modelling perspective-taking and compassion
- celebrating diversity
- teaching the skills to work together effectively (for example, communication skills)
- requiring cooperation (for example, structuring tasks that require working in small groups)
- empowering children and young people to ask for support.
Setting high-but-achievable expectations of children and young people
Research has shown that high expectations give students the sense that educators care about them. We assist by:
- exposing children and young people to manageable stress (for example, when we respond in a warm and sensitive manner, children and young people learn they are safe, that their needs will be taken care of and they’ll be supported with their coping skills)
- making sure that goals are achievable by breaking down large tasks or responsibilities into small steps
- asking children questions to help them solve problems and promote further learning
- scaffolding children’s learning and help when necessary, without taking over.
Provide opportunities for children and young people to participate
At St Joseph’s School we:
- view children and young people as capable contributors to their world (for example, by providing tasks that require a meaningful contribution, letting them make decisions and experience consequences)
- give them meaningful choices
- express our belief in their capacity to learn and contribute
- help them learn from mistakes
- teach values
- support them to express their views and listen to their views.
To learn more about how you can help build resilience in your children visit Be You (formerly Beyond Blue)
Kiss and Drop Zone Speed Limit 10km per Hour.
A reminder that the school Kiss and Drop Zone along Rosewater Terrace has a speed limit of 10km per hour. Please ensure you observe the speed limit when using the Kiss and Drop Zone as this is an area where children are entering and exiting the school in large numbers.
A reminder also that the school Kiss and Drop Zone is not a place to park your car if you need to enter the school grounds as this holds up all incoming and outgoing traffic. It also leads to children exiting their cars on Rosewater Terrace and having to manoeuvre between traffic, raising further safety concerns. If you need to come into the school grounds, parking is available along Rosewater Terrace and on Ina Avenue.
Thank you in anticipation of your support with these important safety matter.
Audiri App
To keep up to date with what is happening within our school along with upcoming school events why not download the AudiriApp from the App Store on your mobile phone. Once downloaded simply search St Joseph’s School, Ottoway and add to your Audiri page. Many of our families currently use the Audiri App to keep up to date with what is happening across our school.
May God’s love continue to be with us during this season of Lent.
Working in partnership with you.
Shaun O’Leary.

Easter 2024
This year we are collecting Easter Eggs to donate to Vinnies for families in need.
If you would like to donate some eggs, please leave them in the basket in the office.
Thanks for your generosity and support.

- Community prayer each Friday in the school yard unless the weather stops us.
- Feast of the Annunciation Mass, 10am, Monday 8th April in St Maximilion Kolbe Church.
All liturgies will be celebrated in the school yard near the trees except for 3/4 class on Tuesday 26/3 which will be held in the classroom.

2024 School Fees
A reminder that Low Income Remissions are available to families who are approved for Scholl Card. School Card must be applied for each year (it does not carry over from the previous year).
Should you be experiencing difficulties with meeting your fee obligations please make a time to see Finance Officer Kali Brown.

Dear Parents and Caregivers.
Welcome to Week 8, Term 1, 2024 in OSHC.
Children are in a safe supervised environment; learning happens while children play, have fun, and make new friends.
Please feel welcome to visit.
Morning care in OSHC is available, 6.30-8.30am.
Afterschool care in OSHC is available 3.00-6.00pm, 2.45-6.00pm Tuesday.
Please remember to make a booking when you need OSHC.
All bookings can be made by ringing or messaging the OSHC mobile on 0437 863 067.
If there is no answer leave a message on the service. I will call or message you back.
Making a booking helps us keep the child/educator ratio in line with legislation.
24 hours’ notice is necessary when cancelling a booking or charges will occur.
All parents using OSHC will need to check their myGov app to check for messages.
When you attend OSHC casually.
Please remember check your myGov app and Centrelink for messages.
When parents use OSHC casually you won’t automatically receive CCS (Childcare Subsidy).
Follow the prompts-confirming that you used the OSHC service.
Centrelink is just confirming that you are using the service.
Parents/caregivers are welcome to read the OSHC Policies, feel welcome to ask and I will make copies available for your perusal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
OSHC Director
18th - Pupil Free Day
OSCH available contact Mieke
Public Holiday
Public Holiday
Port Adelaide Athletics Club
OSHC available contact Mieke
18th - Pupil Free Day
OSCH available contact Mieke