Issue 5, 3rd April, 2024

St Joseph’s School
In All Things Love
10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway S A 5013
Telephone: (08) 8415 1100
Uniform Shop
Open on Monday and Fridays
8.30 am to 9.30 am
Friday - 10.00 am to 11.30 am
Out of School Hours Care
Daily Except Tuesday
7.30 am to 8.30 am
and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
2.45 pm to 6.00 pm
Bookings essential
Mobile: 0437 863 067
St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Priest - Fr Marek Ptak CR
Phone: (08) 8447 3223
Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm Sunday 8.30 am English & 10.30 am Polish
Weekday 6.30 pm English & Polish Except Tuesday (check with Parish)
We acknowledge that our school is on Kaurna country. We recognise and respect the Kaurna people as the continuing custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay our respect to Elders past and present.

As the Year 2/3C steps into the new school term, the students have been diligently collaborating to cultivate a positive learning environment. Together, we have embarked on a journey filled with diverse experiences aimed at enriching student learning and infusing our classroom with boundless joy. As a class of family, we celebrate the remarkable teamwork and dedication that have made our classroom a place of learning, laughter, and endless possibilities..

Catholic Identity
During the season of Easter, we celebrate the essence of our faith: Jesus Lives! Without this truth, faith falls apart and we, as church, become irrelevant. But we believe! Jesus Lives! And it is our privilege and responsibility to bear witness to the belief that Jesus lives among us. The Church season of Easter lasts for 7 weeks leading up to Pentecost. It is a time to celebrate the love of God in our lives and the gifts which have been given to us. The gifts of family, friends, freedom of choice and the environment, just to name a few. We see Jesus everyday through the actions of those around us. We can continue to live the word of Jesus through our interactions with others. The way we speak to each other, care for each other, reach out to those in need, value each other and allow those we are in disagreement with to maintain their dignity, are all ways we can live Jesus’ call to create a just and fair world for all people.
Curriculum News
I have included two mathematical tasks which you might like to have a go at with your child/children.
This week’s Mathematical tasks:
Reception to Year 3
In my pocket I have $2 and 40 cents. What coins might I have?
Years 4-6
I went to get $275 out of the bank. What are the different ways I can ask for this amount in notes?
Happy inquiry.
Below is part of an article that has been published in the Sydney Morning Herald focusing on the benefits of reading to children.
Melbourne researchers have proven what parents have intuitively known all along - the more often you read to your children from an early age, the greater the positive effect on their reading and thinking skills.
The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research has not only proven a causal effect between the frequency of reading to a child and his or her development, but have also for the first time measured the benefits.
Children four to five years old who are read to three to five times a week have the same reading ability as children six months older (who are read to only twice or less a week).
Reading to children six to seven days a week puts them almost a year ahead of those who are not being read to. It was also found that reading to small children has a positive effect on the development of numeracy skills.
''It does appear to be the case that children who are read to more often keep doing better as they age than other children,'' said Professor Guyonne Kalb, director of the institute's Labour Economics and Social Policy Program, and co-author of the study.
The research - which was funded by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - found the positive outcomes occurred in children regardless of parental income, education level or cultural background.
''We wanted to try and determine whether reading itself is leading to better outcomes, or do parents who read to their children have other things going on,'' Professor Kalb said.
''We worked with children representing a whole range of families, from all different backgrounds and economic circumstances. We found it doesn't matter if a child is from a poor or rich family, or if the parents are highly educated or not, doing this basic thing of reading to them leads to better developmental outcomes.''
The longitudinal study followed the reading skills of more than 4000 children, aged four to five years in 2004, through to age 10 to 11.
Victorian Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development Wendy Lovell said the research was ''an exciting step forward'' in understanding the importance of reading to young children.
Happy reading.
Upper Primary Teaching and Learning Update:
Year 4/5P & 5/6S - M Pick & J Smith
Literacy groups have started really well with students working in targeted groups to build comprehension strategies and increase their ability to read more challenging texts. In addition to this our writing groups are a new implementation that we have started this year. We appreciate the help and support of Simon McCullough as he supports us by taking 3 different literacy groups 3 times a week. Our Co-Educators are also crucial to the success of our Literacy program. Thank you to Sue Scheller, Kylie Zouroudis, Tran Dang, Jodie Mannix, April McInerney, Catherine Dalton and Shaun O’Leary for their support in both our Literacy and Numeracy programs. Thank you also to Jan James and Melissa Strudwick for their student dyslexia support throughout the week.
Our Mathematics program has continued to work through number concepts, with students working on lots of different mathematical concepts. Some students are focusing on place value, others on addition or subtraction and some moving onto multiplication and problem-solving strategies.
The 5/6s are learning about Civics and Citizenship in HASS while the 4/5s are exploring Science and Technologies through the Kids in Space program run by Maker’s Empire. Maker’s Empire is a resource we are using to support our learning in Science and Technologies. We were lucky enough to receive a 3D printer through our participation in the project and the students are very excited at being able to use this new resource.
School Master Plan Update
We are nearing completion of our new Education and Administration Centre. Over the next 2 weeks fixed joinery will be installed followed by loose furniture fittings. Once this is complete a final clean of the entire building will take place before the building is handed over to the school. It is anticipated that we will have access to the new building from the beginning of Term 2.
School Start Time 8:45am
I encourage you, if possible, to ensure your child/children are at school by 8:45am each day. This will ensure that your child is present during key explicit teaching moments at the beginning of Literacy and Numeracy Blocks. This will ensure your child is well informed and ready to be a successful learner.
Staffing News
Our preschool lead teacher Catherine Crosbie will be taking 12 months Maternity Leave commencing Term 2. We wish Catherine all the best with the upcoming birth of her second child. We know Catherine is a great mother who will treasure the time spent with her young family.
April McInerney has been appointed as Catherine’s replacement teacher for the remainder of 2024 and Term 1 2025. April is an early childhood trained teacher in her 2nd year. In 2024 April worked as a Kindergarten lead teacher before joining us here at St Joseph’s in Term 1 as a Curriculum Education Support Officer. I’m sure you will join me in welcoming April to the role of Preschool Lead Teacher here at St Joseph’s School.
Sports Day - Thursday April 11.
Sport Day this year will once again be held at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. Further details along with a permission form was sent home to families in Week 3.
Term 3 Preschool and Reception Intake
St. Joseph’s School will once again have a Pre-school and Reception intake at the start of Term 3 this year. Our Term 3 new Pre-school children will replace those moving into Reception as part of our Term 3 Reception intake. A new class will be created for our Term 3 new Receptions which will be located next to the current Junior Primary unit. The criteria for starting Pre-school or Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that a child will have turned 4 (Pre-school) or 5 (Reception) between 1 May and 31 October in that year. During Term 2 we will hold three transition visit mornings for our new Pre-school and Reception children with the aim of supporting their new start.
Parent-Teacher Learning Conversations
Thank you to families who were able to take part in our Parent Teacher Learning Conversations last week. I’d also like to thank our teachers for their preparation work and for making themselves available. These conversations provided an opportunity for teachers to share the academic and social progress your child has made and to discuss areas of growth and future goal setting. Our Parent Teacher Learning Conversations also provided an opportunity for parents to ask teachers questions related to their child’s development.
If you were unable to attend last week’s conversation and would like to make a time to meet with your child’s class teacher, please feel free to do so by contacting them directly and arranging a time that is suitable for both of you.
Five Areas of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
SEL involves developing the ability to understand and manage our emotions, establish positive relationships, develop empathy for others, set and achieve goals and feel good about ourselves.
Be You’s approach to SEL is based on the model developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), an internationally recognised organisation in this area of research.
The model defines ?ve social and emotional skill areas essential for the development of good mental health. Each of these skill areas includes a number of specific elements. Intentional teaching of the competencies is also crucial to implementing effective SEL, as are opportunities for children and young people to practise and generalise them.
Teaching SEL works best when the focus is on helping children and young people learn skills from each domain so that they gradually and progressively build their skills and knowledge throughout early learning and school. It’s an ongoing process across all year levels.
In the next newsletter I will define each of the ?ve social and emotional skill areas in more detail.
To learn more about how you can support the Social and Emotional Learning and Wellbeing of your child visit Be You

Kiss and Drop Zone Speed Limit 10km per Hour.
A reminder that the school Kiss and Drop Zone along Rosewater Terrace has a speed limit of 10km per hour. Please ensure you observe the speed limit when using the Kiss and Drop Zone as this is an area where children are entering and exiting the school in large numbers.
A reminder also that the school Kiss and Drop Zone is not a place to park your car if you need to enter the school grounds as this holds up all incoming and outgoing traffic. It also leads to children exiting their cars on Rosewater Terrace and having to manoeuvre between traffic, raising further safety concerns. If you need to come into the school grounds, parking is available along Rosewater Terrace and on Ina Avenue.
Thank you in anticipation of your support with these important safety matter.
Audiri App
To keep up to date with what is happening within our school along with upcoming school events why not download the AudiriApp from the App Store on your mobile phone. Once downloaded simply search St Joseph’s School, Ottoway and add to your Audiri page. Many of our families currently use the Audiri App to keep up to date with what is happening across our school.
Diary Dates
Term 1 Concludes - 3:00pm Thursday April 11.
Friday April 12 is a school directed non-teaching day. OSHC is available for families requiring the service. See Mieke to make a booking.
Term 2 Commences - 8:45am Monday April 29.
May the love of the Risen Lord be with us during this Easter Season.
Working in partnership with you.
Shaun O’Leary.

Easter prayer
" We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope.” Amen

Our Holy Week Liturgies were beautiful, and we thank the children and teachers for their preparation and prayers and parents and families for joining with us. Happy Easter to all!
This year we collected Easter Eggs to donate to Vinnies for families in need. Thanks for your generosity and support.
Mass: you are very welcome to join with us at these Parish Masses and school liturgies:
Community prayer each Friday in the school yard unless the weather stops us.
Feast of the Annunciation Mass, 10am, Monday 8th April in St Maximilion Kolbe Church
2024 School Fees
A reminder that Low Income Remissions are available to families who are approved for Scholl Card. School Card must be applied for each year (it does not carry over from the previous year).
Should you be experiencing difficulties with meeting your fee obligations please make a time to see Finance Officer Kali Brown.

Dear Parents and Caregivers.
Welcome to Week 10, Term 1, 2024 in OSHC.
Children are in a safe supervised environment; learning happens while children play, have fun, and make new friends.
Please feel welcome to visit.
Morning care in OSHC is available, 6.30-8.30am.
Afterschool care in OSHC is available 3.00-6.00pm, 2.45-6.00pm Tuesday.
Please remember to make a booking when you need OSHC.
All bookings can be made by ringing or messaging the OSHC mobile on 0437 863 067.
If there is no answer leave a message on the service. I will call or message you back.
Making a booking helps us keep the child/educator ratio in line with legislation.
24 hours’ notice is necessary when cancelling a booking or charges will occur.
All parents using OSHC will need to check their myGov app to check for messages.
When you attend OSHC casually.
Please remember check your myGov app and Centrelink for messages.
When parents use OSHC casually you won’t automatically receive CCS (Childcare Subsidy).
Follow the prompts-confirming that you used the OSHC service.
Centrelink is just confirming that you are using the service.
Parents/caregivers are welcome to read the OSHC Policies, feel welcome to ask and I will make copies available for your perusal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
OSHC Director
1st - Easter Monday
Public Holiday
Port Adelaide Athletics Club
OSHC available contact Mieke
18th - Pupil Free Day
OSCH available contact Mieke